Assessment of Esophageal Reconstruction via Bioreactor Cultivation of a Synthetic Scaffold in a Canine Model
In Gul Kim, Yanru Wu, Su A Park, Ji Suk Choi, Seong Keun Kwon, Seung Hong Choi, Kyeong Cheon Jung, Jung-Woog Shin, Eun-Jae Chung
Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol. 2023;16(2):165-176.   Published online 2023 Jan 18     DOI:
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Human gastro-intestinal organoid engineering: a state of the art
Giada Benedetti, Beatriz Fournon Berodia, Paolo De Coppi, Giovanni Giuseppe Giobbe
Frontiers in Chemical Engineering.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef